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How We Can Support You!

From the very beginning, Experience life has always wanted to put our clients' needs at the centre of everything we do. Through you, Experience Life is dedicated to providing the highest quality support that eases the stress and frustration of everyday life. 
Reliability, personal connection, well-trained staff and open communication are extremely important to us, we believe our clients deserve nothing less.


Personal Care Assistance

Providing support by assisting with day-to-day tasks in your home or care facility.  These tasks can include assisting with mobility support, bathing/showering, grooming, dressing, skincare, continence management, feeding (including PEG), as well as taking you to appointments, running errands and general housekeeping duties.
Household Tasks

We tailor our supports to your needs including tasks around the home such as cleaning, laundry, dishwashing, cupboard organisation, bed changing, ironing and more.

Recreational and Social Support

Support to socialise within the community, whether it be a walk around your local lake, lunch at a café, attending a regular sports club to play or watch your favourite team, or even support to attend your favourite music festival / have a holiday.  Our staff are available 24/7, 365 days a year to help you maintain or reach your social goals and to ensure you have someone to talk to.

Health and Wellbeing

Our team of support workers are available to help build your independence and skills to aid you in reaching your long-term goals, including exercise or assistance following professional diet advice to manage the impact of your disability.

Meal Assistance
Whether is it bulk meal planning and preparation, cooking meals every day, mealtime assistance, PEG feeding, dishwashing, food shopping, or cupboard organising, our staff will happily assist and work alongside you to both support and foster independence in these areas

Life Skills

Many life skills can be easily attainable if you know where to start. We will help identify goals and develop a plan with a timeline to meet them. Goals can include positive daily habits, making and maintaining healthy food choices, routines, study, exercise, transport training and money handling, to name a few.


As part of your standard support shifts, our staff are happy to transport you within the community as required.  Whether to attend appointments, go shopping, visit some friends, attend your study/workplace or just go for a nice drive, we have fully comprehensive insured workers ready to assist as required as part of your standard support. Our workers are able to either transport you using their own vehicles or transport you using your personal vehicle.  We can also accompany you while using public transport and provide transport training if required.

Living Independently

We support you to live in your own home, or a place that becomes your home with appropriate assistance depending on your needs, to enable you to be as independent as possible.  Staff are available 24/7. We create a team of workers suited specifically to your needs.  We ensure ongoing staff training based on your circumstances and can even allocate you with your own personal team leader, if beneficial.

Medication Management

Medications are crucial in maintaining health, preventing illness and treating health conditions. We understand the importance of handling medication properly. Our staff are trained in correct medication management, including storing, administering, and recording as well as monitoring for any adverse reactions and what steps to take in case of an incident.

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